About ME

Hi there everyone! I’m Mac! A farm girl momma of 3 with a heart for Jesus! Now let me help you get a feel for who I am!
Number one, I LOVE my babies! All the babies in fact. My babies, your babies, the babies down the street, at the park, or…I think you get it. Yes, I’m the mom who would have them all, not because I have it all figured out because I DO NOT, but because even in our craziest times I still look at those wild people with adoration, love, and honor. I’m so grateful that I’m apart of their world.
Did I mention that I have a great husband? Because I really, really do. God has blessed me with an amazing partner. He’s my best friend and I love doing life with him!
What can you expect from Eden + Thyme?
My faith is a big part of my life, and it will likely show through in my work. However, my goal here isn’t to judge or condemn. Hopefully, you’ll see how Jesus’ love for me has influenced me in my life and my family’s. I also pray that His peace would show up in my responses, posts, and integrity. I will honor you, respect you, show kindness to you, and be as transparent as possible.
I love getting my hands dirty with gardening! It’s a true blessing to pull the vegetable off of your own plant. One of the things that inspired me to pursue this blog in the first place was my inclination towards knowing where things come from. I’m guessing there are others like myself who are seeking a richer, slower, more organic way of life. This desire has flowed into our day-to-day homeschool life as well. We’ve all enjoyed slowing down and smelling the roses (figuratively and literally)!
Eco-friendly/Sustainable/Organic/Plastic-Free/ Slow Living
How important are these?? The older I get the more that I can see the junk that I’ve allowed to enter my home, my body, mind, spirit, car…you name it. Here’s to purging with the rest of you! I hope that my interests and perspectives as well as some of the changes that I’ve made can help you too!
Well, there I am. 🙂
I can’t wait to go on this journey together, taking one step at a time towards a more peaceful life and working to become more intentional, creative, and loving parents along the way.
This blog was meant for everyone! We’re all connected by our mama-hood!
I see your heart, mama, and I hope you see mine.
Thanks for reading and nice to meet you!

Photo cred: Sweet Caroline Photographie & Ava Sol