5 Ways to Live a More Organic Life

So you’re trying to clean up your act, eh?
Everyone wants to be more organic these days. It’s a bandwagon trend that I have definitely jumped on, and I’m hoping more will follow!
There are so many benefits to being a conscious consumer. I don’t think that a lot of people really think about how much they actually suffer at the cost of convenience.
But who can you really trust? There’s a big, fat world out there full of companies who claim they use more eco-friendly, more sustainable, or more organic products. Some truly do provide great quality and put a lot of care, while others not so much, better known as Greenwashers.
How can you live a more organic life?
Especially one that doesn’t give to companies whose main goal is simply to title sell and use key words unethically to entice its prospective consumers.

Well, it’s definitely difficult in some ways. But pretty simple in others. Life has so many temptations especially when everything we need is a click away.
Which brings me to number one on my list…
1.Buy local
Every chance you get! Give your business to those mom and pop shops, the bread store down the road, the cookie shop, that cute antique store. I’m not saying spend without need, but when you do need try them first!
You’re helping the economy that’s going on right in your own backyard – the city that you love (hopefully) or at least the city that you don’t want to see run down. Better local economies make way for more up-to-date community areas like parks and other recreational facilities that you may use.
2. Eat organic
This one is probably the most obvious. I would guess that the most common thing people think of when they imagine living a more organic life is changing the way that they eat. Of course they do!
The very word organic has been gobbled up by the marketing world to sell, sell, sell. But does that mean that it doesn’t have merit? The answer is no.
One tendency of mine has been to question the validity of something just because it’s a hot item, but eating organically really is a great way to reduce your exposure to pesticides, fertilizers, or other types of artificial material.
It doesn’t mean there aren’t dirty companies out there trying to sell as organic, but in the agricultural world there are a lot of strict rules when it comes to growing and selling organic produce. They don’t take it lightly because they can’t.
This can give us as consumers a little comfort when it comes to buying these products, and considering they are usually a bit pricier having peace of mind over the quality makes that pill easier to swallow!
Finally, eating organically can tie into tip number one by giving you the opportunity to buy from local farmer’s markets! Circular economy, baby!
3. Grow your own food/Make your own products
Ok, ok growing your own food technically is connected to eating organically, but there’s a bit more effort involved here (with 100% more soft, fuzzy feelings). Anytime that you can make your own product or grow your own food you can be sure of exactly what’s going into it.
I’ve made tons of home products, and will link some of my favorites here when I can!
Products can be so easy to make! For real, and often times it’s even cheaper to buy the ingredients to make your own products than buying products straight off the shelf! Time does play into it, but, to me, any time spent on trying to improve my quality of life is time well spent.
There’s also no shame in trying a DIY product, using it up, and saying “I won’t make that again.”
Listen y’all, the producers of the world have spent A LOT of money in research to figure out exactly what YOU want. Everything from texture and smell to colors and where they sit on the shelf.
Don’t feel bad because you can’t whip up an exact replica of your favorite perfume or lotion.

Just remember the reason that you’re wanting to do a DIY product in the first place. It’s more organic, more natural, and better for you and the world around us.
4. Try Going Plastic Free
When I started to live more organically myself, surprisingly this is one of the things that I started with! Giving up all plastic is honestly an almost impossible goal to accomplish which is why I leave room for the time that we’re in. Whenever I want to buy I do my research on the product first. I always ask myself:
“Is it necessary?”
“How often will I use it?
“Is there a plastic-free option?”